Bev and Scott are big into projects and staying busy so we cleared the property of downed timber and let it burn. Here is a picture of the small fire.
Also on the agenda was putting the shed up on blocks, digging ditches to improve drainage on the driveway, installing a lamp post, spreading rock to even out the lower road, and getting a giant dump truck unstuck from the mud on the lower road. (We needed a second dump truck to come pull it out. ) Even though we worked hard we also played hard. A trip up a windy Harp Mountain, down to Hanging Valley Lake, and end of year blueberry picking on the way out (those berries are still out there) was an excellent break. Here are a few photos of Scott hiking up Harp.
Leo of course had a great time with the grandparents. He was so worn out he didn't even make it to his bed to sleep.