Eagle River Weather

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Yurt Comes Down

First a few spring pictures.  Nicki finally got the long awaited scooter and is dryland mushing every chance she gets.
 Hiking season has begun.  We had a good number of families join us on our trip out to the secret gravel bar.  Sunshine, rock skipping, dirt digging, and fun conversation abounded.
 Now the yurt.  It's gone.  Here are a few photos of the process for taking it down.  The wall fabric came down first,
 then the top cover,
 then the rafters and center ring,
 then the lattice walls and door frames,
 then the internal walls,
 and last the deck.
 Now the whole thing is packed into the garage of the new house, hopefully waiting to be built again sometime late summer.  Extra credit:   Can you find the skylight in the photo below?
Taking the yurt down only took us a day.  We had almost a dozen people helping us so many jobs could be tackled at once.  Thanks every one for your time and energy.  It would not have been the fast, fun project it was without you.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

 A recent trip to the Eagle River nature Center yielded excellent moose watching opportunities.
Later on a moose followed us to where 2 swans were swimming around.  I like this shot because they are all facing the same way and are all heads down.
 This is the westerly view off of our deck, and its true, we do have a view of Denali.  Until the leaves grow in on the trees I suppose.
We had a mostly sunny day and Leo decided it was time to break out the sprinkler.  Yes that is snow still lingering in our yard.
 Fort building has been a big to do lately.
 And Kaya is as bummed as the adults in the family about the disappearing snow.  She is taking the term rock skis to a whole new level.
In yurt news: It's coming down next weekend!   Hopefully it will be back up again by the end of summer.