Eagle River Weather

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Selling Puzzles

I'm going for it! This weekend I'll be huddled under a tent trying my best to sell puzzles to who ever might be interested. Let's hopes for lots of customers. This is s big experiment to see if this puzzle making is going to be viable or not. I'm hoping for it to be able to at least pay for itself but won't be too disappointed if I actually make some money. Here is a photo of a puzzle I did showing off the Eagle River Nature Center logo.

Anything I don't sell at the market is going to go on sale later this month on an online market place for handmade goods called Etsy.
Wish me luck!


meg said...

Benjamin! I love your puzzles. Can you bring some with you in July? I bet your family would like to buy some.

Hallie said...

I love this puzzle! I found your blog by chance after seeing your puzzles on etsy! We used to live in Eagle River and the nature center holds a special place in our hearts (we were married there). Awesome puzzle!!

Ben Schneider said...

If you live any where eagle river now, you can buy that puzzle there. Or, I can ask ERNC if I can post it on etsy for you. E-mail (you can find it in my profile) me if you'd like. We live about 1 mile from the nature center and are there a few times a week. We LOVE it!!!